
Shipyards and Service Providers for BWTS Installation on trusteddocks.com

<h1>BWTS Installation</h1> <b>Ballast Water Treatment Systems (BWTS) </b> According to the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention which came onto effect from 8th September 2017, Ballast Water Treatment Systems (BWTS) is now required to be installed on a considerable percentage of ships until 2024. From the date of coming into effect, before discharging ballast water into a new site, vessels should regulate their ballast water such that marine animals and illnesses are eliminated or turned safe. By doing this, it will contribute in the control of the growth of exotic species as well as potentially hazardous infections. The ecological system is widely disturbed due to these exotic species, and today it has become vital to solve this issue, therefore for this there should be a BWTS installed on the ship so as to comply with the norms and standards established by IMO. BWTS can be installed on the ship anywhere, but at the same time it is based on the system which is installed means its type and also risk measures are checked. The BWTS installation should satisfy the conditions set by international organizations. BWTS works effectively and should be installed according to the size and shape of the ship. Also, the installation depends on the pricing factor as there are different cost expenses and it depends on the ship type therefore it will differ with the ship. Ballast Water Treatment System, is essential as it helps in controlling the growth of exotic species, because when the ballast water is discharged directly in water there is danger in developing these species and this eventually results in various illnesses and viruses. When installing a BWTS, apart from size, shape and pricing factors, there are other factors which should be also looked upon for example from the ecological point of view also safety factor should be considered and whether the system works on different microorganisms and bacteria present in the water that also must be seen. BWTS mainly focuses on filtration systems and disinfection treatment by chemical means. Normally, the ballast water undergoes a physical and chemical treatment, this physical treatment is done as filtering and separating the living species, then it goes under a chemical treatment where these species are disinfected. Certain other methods for treatment, are ultra-violet treatment, deoxygenation, heat treatment, ultrasonic treatment, magnetic treatment and electrolysis method. References: 1.<a href="https://www.imo.org/en/MediaCentre/HotTopics/Pages/Implementing-the-BWM-Convention.aspx ">IMO</a> 2.<a href=" https://safety4sea.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/ABS-Updated-Ballast-Water-Treatment-Guide-2016_09.pdf ">safety4sea</a> 3. <a href="https://filtersafe.net/blog-marine/what-is-ballast-water-treatment/">filtersafe.net</a>

Baltic Sea

Caribbean Sea

East Africa

East Mediterranean & Black Sea

Indian Ocean

North America West Coast

North Sea / Atlantic

Red Sea & Persian Gulf

South Africa

South America East Coast

South America West Coast

South Asia

South East Asia (China, Vietnam)

US Gulf

West Africa

West Mediterranean Sea
