
Newbuild OrderbookSHIPYARD / SHIP REPAIR

  1. Shipyards
  2. ›  Norway
Grovfjord, Norway

GROVFJORD BÅTBYGGERI is a boat building company located in the village of Grovfjord in Norway. The company specializes in building high-quality boats for both commercial and recreational use. They have been in operation for over 50 years and have a reputation for producing durable and reliable vessels. GROVFJORD BÅTBYGGERI uses traditional boat building techniques combined with modern technology to create boats that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The company has a team of skilled craftsmen who take pride in their work and are committed to producing boats of the highest quality. They offer a range of boats, including fishing boats, pleasure boats, and workboats, and can also customize boats to meet specific customer requirements. GROVFJORD BÅTBYGGERI is committed to sustainability and uses environmentally friendly materials and practices in their boat building process.morehide

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Currently 6 ships under constraction / orders for this company.

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