
All shipyards, shipbuilders & docks in Brazil

Brazil has a significant shipbuilding and ship repair industry, with a long history dating back to the early 20th century. The industry is concentrated in several locations throughout the country, including Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Bahia. Shipbuilding in Brazil is primarily focused on the construction of offshore support vessels, such as platform supply vessels, anchor handling tugs, and diving support vessels. In recent years, the industry has also begun to diversify into the construction of larger vessels, including oil tankers and container ships. The ship repair industry in Brazil is also well-established, with several major shipyards offering a wide range of repair and maintenance services for a variety of vessel types. These shipyards are equipped with dry docks, slipways, and other facilities to facilitate repairs and maintenance work. The Brazilian government has been actively promoting the development of the shipbuilding industry in the country, providing tax incentives and other forms of support to encourage investment in the sector. However, the industry has faced several challenges in recent years, including a decline in demand for offshore support vessels due to the downturn in the oil and gas industry. Despite these challenges, the shipbuilding and ship repair industry in Brazil remains an important contributor to the country's economy and plays a key role in the development of the country's maritime sector.

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Shipyards for Repair

Rank Shipyard Name Country Max Length Max Width Max Depth Market Share(30 days) AIS Reviews SRI
1 Sermetal Estaleiros Shipyard Brazil 350.0 25.0 10.0 18.59% 3 No
2 ESTALEIRO ATLANTICO SUL Brazil 400.0 73.0 1.92% 5 No
3 WILSON SONS SHIPYARD Brazil 190.0 26.0 9.0 0.00% 8 No
3 ESTALEIRO MAUÁ Brazil 167.0 30.0 24.36% 6 No
5 ENAVI & RENAVE Brazil 215.0 35.0 1.8 3.21% No
6 KEPPEL OFFSHORE - FELS BRAZIL Brazil 335.21 112.0 3.21% 3 No
8 Estaleiro Navship Brazil 97.0 32.0 17.95% 5 No
8 Rio Grande Shipyard (ERG) Brazil 0.00% No

Shipyards for New Build

Rank Shipyard Name Country Max Length Max Width Max Depth AIS Reviews SRI
1 ESTALEIRO ATLANTICO SUL Brazil 400.0 73.0 5 No
2 ESTALEIRO MAUÁ Brazil 167.0 30.0 6 No
3 VARD PROMAR SA Brazil 300.0 80.0 8.0 2 No
5 KEPPEL OFFSHORE - FELS BRAZIL Brazil 335.21 112.0 3 No
7 Estaleiro Navship Brazil 97.0 32.0 5 No
7 Rio Grande Shipyard (ERG) Brazil No
9 Estaleiro Rio Maguari (ERM SA) Brazil No
9 Belov Engenharia shipyard Brazil No

Shipyards for Scrapping

Rank Shipyard Name Country Max Length Max Width Max Depth AIS Reviews SRI
1 ESTALEIRO ATLANTICO SUL Brazil 400.0 73.0 5 No