
All shipyards, shipbuilders & docks in Poland

The shipbuilding and ship repair market in Poland is a well-developed industry, with a long history of shipbuilding and ship repair facilities. The country has a number of shipyards that specialize in building various types of vessels, including commercial ships, military vessels, and pleasure boats. Additionally, Poland has a thriving ship repair industry, which services ships from all over the world. The country is known for its skilled workforce, competitive prices, and high-quality workmanship. Despite some recent challenges, the shipbuilding and ship repair market in Poland is expected to continue growing in the coming years.

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Shipyards for Repair

Rank Shipyard Name Country Max Length Max Width Max Depth Market Share(30 days) AIS Reviews SRI
1 REMONTOWA SHIPREPAIR S.A. Poland 255.0 44.4 9.5 34.38% 9 1 Yes
2 NAUTA SA SHIPREPAIR YARD Poland 380.0 70.0 7.3 17.97% 7 1 No
3 MORSKA STOCZNIA REMONTOWA GRYFIA S.A. Poland 216.0 35.0 8.0 18.75% 3 No
4 NAVAL SHIPYARD (PGZ) Poland 150.0 27.0 8.0 10.94% No
5 NAUTA HULL SP. Z 0.0 Poland 210.0 30.1 0.00% 1 No
6 BALTIC ENGINEERING Z 0.0 Poland 68.0 11.9 0.00% No
7 ALU INTERNATIONAL SHIPYARD LTD Poland 77.97 25.0 0.00% No

Shipyards for New Build

Rank Shipyard Name Country Max Length Max Width Max Depth AIS Reviews SRI
1 REMONTOWA SHIPREPAIR S.A. Poland 255.0 44.4 9.5 9 1 Yes
2 MORSKA STOCZNIA REMONTOWA GRYFIA S.A. Poland 216.0 35.0 8.0 3 No
3 CRIST SA Poland 379.0 70.0 1 No
5 DAMEN SHIPYARDS GDYNIA Poland 84.0 24.0 No
7 NAVIMOR LTD Poland 120.0 No