
Karlskrona - SEKAA - Sweden

Entering the Seaport of Karlskrona: A Nautical Guide

Approaching Karlskrona

As you approach the seaport of Karlskrona, keep a lookout for the lighthouse located on the island of Stumholmen. This iconic landmark serves as a guide for vessels entering the port.

Navigating the Channel

Once you have spotted the lighthouse, steer your vessel towards the channel that leads to the port. The channel is well-marked with buoys and beacons, so be sure to follow them closely.

Communicating with the Port Authority

As you near the port, contact the Karlskrona Port Authority on VHF channel 16 to request permission to enter. The port authority will provide you with instructions on where to dock and any other important information you need to know.

Docking at Karlskrona

Karlskrona has several berths available for vessels of all sizes. Once you have been assigned a berth, approach it slowly and carefully. The port has modern facilities and experienced staff to assist you with mooring and any other needs you may have.

Enjoying Karlskrona

Karlskrona is a beautiful city with a rich maritime history. Take some time to explore the city and its many attractions, including the Naval Museum and the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Karlskrona Archipelago.
By following these nautical guidelines, you can safely and easily enter the seaport of Karlskrona and enjoy all that this wonderful city has to offer.
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