
Shipyards and Service Providers for Ballast Water Sampling & Testing IMO "D-2" Monitoring/ Commissioning on trusteddocks.com

Ballast Water Sampling & Testing under IMO "D-2" Monitoring and Commissioning refers to a set of procedures and protocols established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for assessing the compliance of ships and vessels with the "D-2" ballast water discharge standard. This monitoring and commissioning process involve taking representative water samples from a vessel's ballast tanks and subjecting them to rigorous testing and analysis to verify that the ballast water treatment systems are effectively removing or neutralizing harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens. The goal is to ensure that ships and vessels meet international standards for ballast water management, preventing the unintentional spread of invasive species and protecting marine ecosystems. The Commissioning phase typically occurs when a vessel's ballast water treatment system is initially installed, ensuring its proper functioning, while ongoing monitoring ensures continued compliance with the IMO's regulations.


Baltic Sea

Caribbean Sea

East Africa

East Mediterranean & Black Sea

Indian Ocean

North America East Coast

North America West Coast

North Asia (Japan, Korea)

North Sea / Atlantic

Red Sea & Persian Gulf

South America East Coast

South America West Coast

South Asia

South East Asia (China, Vietnam)

West Africa

West Mediterranean Sea
