
Taharoa Terminal - NZTHH - New Zealand

Entering Taharoa Terminal: A Nautical Guide

Approaching Taharoa Seaport

As you approach Taharoa Seaport, keep a lookout for the distinctive red and white striped lighthouse on the headland. This will guide you towards the entrance of the port.

Entering the Port

Once you have located the lighthouse, steer towards the entrance of Taharoa Terminal. The entrance is marked by two green buoys on either side of the channel. Keep these buoys to your port side as you enter the port.

Navigating the Channel

As you navigate the channel, keep a lookout for any vessels leaving the port. The channel is narrow, so it is important to maintain a safe speed and keep to the starboard side of the channel.

Approaching the Berth

As you approach the berth, keep a lookout for any mooring lines or fenders that may be hanging over the side of the vessel. Slowly approach the berth and prepare to make fast to the mooring lines.

Mooring at Taharoa Terminal

Once you have made fast to the mooring lines, ensure that your vessel is securely tied up. Check that all lines are taut and that the fenders are in the correct position to protect your vessel from any potential damage.


Navigating into Taharoa Terminal requires careful attention to detail and a steady hand at the helm. By following these nautical guidelines, you can safely enter the port and moor your vessel at Taharoa Terminal.
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