
All shipyards, shipbuilders & docks in Estonia

Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Market in Estonia

Estonia is a country located in Northern Europe, with a coastline of 3,794 km along the Baltic Sea. The country has a long history of shipbuilding and ship repair, dating back to the 19th century. Today, Estonias shipbuilding and ship repair industry is a significant contributor to the countrys economy.

Shipbuilding Industry

The shipbuilding industry in Estonia is relatively small, with only a few shipyards operating in the country. However, these shipyards are known for their high-quality work and specialize in building small and medium-sized vessels, such as fishing boats, patrol boats, and ferries. The shipbuilding industry in Estonia is supported by the government, which provides funding and incentives to encourage growth and innovation.

Some of the notable shipyards in Estonia include:
  • BLRT Grupp AS
  • Tallinn Shipyard AS
  • Western Baltija Shipbuilding

Ship Repair Industry

The ship repair industry in Estonia is more significant than the shipbuilding industry, with several shipyards and repair facilities operating in the country. These shipyards offer a wide range of services, including hull repairs, engine repairs, and electrical repairs. The ship repair industry in Estonia is known for its efficiency and high-quality work, and many shipowners choose to have their vessels repaired in Estonia.

Some of the notable ship repair facilities in Estonia include:
  • BLRT Grupp AS
  • Tallinn Shipyard AS
  • Remontowa Ship Repair Yard S.A.

In conclusion, the shipbuilding and ship repair industry in Estonia is an essential part of the countrys economy. With a long history of shipbuilding and repair, Estonias shipyards are known for their high-quality work and efficiency. The governments support for the industry has helped to encourage growth and innovation, making Estonia a significant player in the global shipbuilding and repair market.

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Shipyards for Repair

Rank Shipyard Name Country Max Length Max Width Max Depth Market Share(30 days) AIS Reviews SRI
1 TALLINN SHIPYARD Estonia 153.6 27.4 68.75% 9 Yes
2 NETAMAN SHIP REPAIR Estonia 145.0 25.2 8.0 31.25% 6 No
3 Kredmiol OU Estonia 0.00% No

Shipyards for New Build

Rank Shipyard Name Country Max Length Max Width Max Depth AIS Reviews SRI
1 Baltic Workboats Estonia 3 No
2 Kredmiol OU Estonia No

Shipyards for Scrapping

Rank Shipyard Name Country Max Length Max Width Max Depth AIS Reviews SRI
1 TALLINN SHIPYARD Estonia 153.6 27.4 9 Yes