
All shipyards, shipbuilders & docks in Belgium

The shipbuilding and ship repair market in Belgium is part of the larger maritime industry and serves the needs of the commercial and naval sectors. Belgium is known for its highly skilled workforce, innovative technology, and efficient production processes. The country has a long history of shipbuilding and repair, dating back to the 19th century, and is home to several shipyards and shipbuilding facilities. In recent years, the market has seen steady growth due to an increase in demand for new vessels and the need for repair and maintenance services. The market is driven by factors such as the global trade volume, the growth of the cruise industry, and the increasing use of technology in shipping. Belgium's shipbuilding and ship repair market is characterized by a high level of specialization and the use of advanced technology, particularly in the construction of specialized vessels such as dredgers, offshore support vessels, and naval vessels. The country's close proximity to major ports in the North Sea and its well-developed infrastructure make it an attractive location for shipbuilding and repair services. Overall, the Belgian shipbuilding and ship repair market offers strong growth potential and is poised to continue to play a significant role in the global maritime industry.

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Shipyards for Repair

Rank Shipyard Name Country Max Length Max Width Max Depth Market Share(30 days) AIS Reviews SRI
1 EDR Antwerp Shipyard Belgium 312.0 50.0 8.0 43.59% 5 Yes
2 FLANDERS SHIP REPAIR Belgium 138.0 24.0 0.00% 1 No
3 MEUSE & SAMBRE THE SHIPYARD Belgium 135.0 0.00% No
3 GARDEC VJN.V Belgium 45.0 12.0 8.0 56.41% 3 No
3 PORT SERVICE BVBA Belgium 130.0 13.0 8.24 0.00% No
6 NYB-Inspections Belgium 0.00% No

Shipyards for Scrapping

Rank Shipyard Name Country Max Length Max Width Max Depth AIS Reviews SRI