
Product Carriers

Product Carriers Size

Product Carriers are a type of tanker ship designed to transport refined petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. These ships come in various sizes and configurations, depending on the specific requirements of the cargo and the shipping route. The following are some of the key specifications of Product Carriers:

  • Length: Product Carriers can range in length from around 100 meters to over 300 meters, with the larger vessels typically used for long-haul routes.
  • Speed: The speed of Product Carriers can vary depending on the size and design of the ship, but most vessels can travel at speeds of around 14-18 knots.
  • DWT: The Deadweight Tonnage (DWT) of Product Carriers can range from around 10,000 to over 100,000 metric tons, with the larger vessels capable of carrying more cargo.
  • Number of Active Vessels: There are currently thousands of Product Carriers in operation around the world, with many more under construction or on order.
  • Maximum Draft: The maximum draft of Product Carriers can vary depending on the size and design of the ship, but most vessels have a draft of around 12-15 meters.
  • Cargo Capacity: The cargo capacity of Product Carriers can range from around 5,000 to over 100,000 cubic meters, with the larger vessels capable of carrying more cargo.

Some of the main shipyards and countries involved in the building of Product Carriers include:
