
All shipyards, shipbuilders & docks in Indonesia

The shipbuilding and ship repair market in Indonesia is a developing industry that has the potential for significant growth. The Indonesian government has made efforts to boost the country's shipbuilding and ship repair capabilities, including investing in infrastructure and promoting the industry to foreign investors. There are several shipyards in Indonesia that offer shipbuilding and ship repair services, and the country has a large workforce with a good understanding of the maritime industry. However, the shipbuilding and ship repair market in Indonesia faces challenges such as limited access to financing, a shortage of skilled labor, and competition from other countries in the region. Despite these challenges, the market is expected to continue to grow in the coming years as the government continues to invest in the industry and promote its development.

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Shipyards for Repair

Rank Shipyard Name Country Max Length Max Width Max Depth Market Share(30 days) AIS Reviews SRI
1 ASL MARINE BATAM SHIPYARD Indonesia 340.0 60.0 11.0 14.90% 33 Yes
2 PAXOCEAN SHIPYARD PERTAMA Indonesia 300.0 59.0 8.63% 8 No
3 PAXOCEAN SHIPYARD NANINDAH Indonesia 202.52 74.0 7.45% 15 No
3 PT BATAMEC SHIPYARD Indonesia 145.0 40.0 7.0 3.53% 1 No
5 PT. SAMUDRA MARINE INDONESIA Indonesia 320.0 55.0 9.0 25.88% 26 No
6 Hamdok Jakarta - PT.Dok Duasatu Nusantara Indonesia 90.0 30.0 6.5 0.78% 1 No
7 Hamdok Tegal - PT. Sarana Bahtera Shipyard Indonesia 190.0 29.0 5.0 0.00% No
8 PT DOK DAN PERKAPALAN SURABAYA Indonesia 128.53 30.0 1.57% 6 No
9 PT INDUSTRI KAPAL INDONESIA Indonesia 115.6 74.0 0.00% 3 No
10 PT. WARUNA SHIPYARD INDONESIA Indonesia 265.0 50.0 10.0 0.00% No
11 PT. DUMAS SHIPYARD Indonesia 106.0 20.0 2.75% 4 No
12 Multi Ocean Shipyard Indonesia 332.0 16.0 7.0 0.00% 3 No
13 MARCOPOLO SHIPYARD Indonesia 220.0 45.0 6.0 0.00% No
15 PT KARYA TEKNIK UTAMA Indonesia 50.0 24.0 0.39% 2 No
16 P.T. Dok Bahari Nusantara Indonesia 0.00% No
16 PT. Cahaya Samudra Shipyard Indonesia 0.00% No

Shipyards for New Build

Rank Shipyard Name Country Max Length Max Width Max Depth AIS Reviews SRI
1 ASL MARINE BATAM SHIPYARD Indonesia 340.0 60.0 11.0 33 Yes
2 PAXOCEAN SHIPYARD PERTAMA Indonesia 300.0 59.0 8 No
3 PAXOCEAN SHIPYARD NANINDAH Indonesia 202.52 74.0 15 No
3 PT BATAMEC SHIPYARD Indonesia 145.0 40.0 7.0 1 No
5 PT. SAMUDRA MARINE INDONESIA Indonesia 320.0 55.0 9.0 26 No
6 PT PAL INDONESIA Indonesia 5 No
7 PT INDUSTRI KAPAL INDONESIA Indonesia 115.6 74.0 3 No
8 PT. WARUNA SHIPYARD INDONESIA Indonesia 265.0 50.0 10.0 No
9 MARCOPOLO SHIPYARD Indonesia 220.0 45.0 6.0 No
10 PT KARYA TEKNIK UTAMA Indonesia 50.0 24.0 2 No
11 KTU Shipyard Indonesia 120.0 60.0 40.0 No
12 P.T. Dok Bahari Nusantara Indonesia No
12 P.T. Nanindah Mutiara Shipyard Indonesia No
12 PT. United Sindo Perkasa Indonesia 3 No
12 PT. Cahaya Samudra Shipyard Indonesia No