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MT per day
USD per MT
USD per day
Batam, Indonesia
Singapore, Singapore
船坞规模 最大船长: 300.0m / 984.3ft  | 最大船宽: 59.0m / 193.6ft 最大船长: 190.0m / 623.3ft  | 最大船宽: 63.0m / 206.7ft
Pandan Shipyard (KIM HENG GROUP)
  • 造船
  • 维修 / 维护
    • Dry Dockings
    • Ship Repairs
    • Conversions
    • Afloat Repairs
  • 维修 / 维护
    • Ship Repairs

PaxOcean Pertama is situated on a 280,000m2 site on the north-western coast of Batam, and shares a common boundary with our Graha yard, while lying within close proximity to Nanindah. This enables us to utilise our yard resources with greater flexibility to meet our customers’ needs. The yard offers docking of Panamax-sized vessels and afloat repairs of VLCC-sized vessels to the marine and offshore sector. PaxOcean Pertama has become one of the premier ship repair and conversion yards in Batam. Having experienced in complex conversions of cement carriers, landing craft vessels, offshore heavy lift and accommodation barges. The yard also fabricates vessel sections in support of the Nanindah yard, and has garnered a strong track record of building specialty offshore support vessels. Situated on a 280,000m2 site on the north-western coast of Batam, Pertama yard shares a common boundary with our Graha yard, while lying within close proximity to Nanindah. This enables us to utilise our yard resources with greater flexibility to meet our customers’ needs.更多信息

With over 40 years of experience, Kim Heng Offshore & Marine Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries (“Kim Heng” or the “Group”) is an established integrated offshore and marine value chain services provider. Strategically located in Singapore, the Group offers a one-stop comprehensive range of products and services that caters to different stages of offshore oil and gas projects from oil exploration to field development and oil production. The Kim Heng Group’s operations are primarily located in Singapore, with two shipyards strategically located at 9 Pandan Crescent and 48 Penjuru Road. The shipyards, with a combined waterfront of 205 metres, enable Kim Heng to carry out a multitude of services, including offshore rig repair, maintenance and refurbishment, fabrication, vessel newbuilding as well as painting and blasting works. Kim Heng has built its brand over the years and has established relationships with world renowned customers from over 25 countries in the regions of Southeast Asia, USA, Latin America, Australasia, Middle East and Europe.更多信息

类型 设备名称 长度 [米/英尺] 宽度 [米/英尺] 深度 [米/英尺] 起吊能力 [吨] 最大承重 [吨] 承重能力
浮坞 Floating Dock 8 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员.
浮坞 Floating Dock I 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员.
浮坞 Floating Dock II 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员.
浮坞 Floating Dock V 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员.
类型 设备名称 长度 [米/英尺] 宽度 [米/英尺] 深度 [米/英尺] 起吊能力 [吨] 最大承重 [吨] 承重能力