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MT per day
USD per MT
USD per day
Kagawa, Japan
Fukuyama, Japan
船坞规模 最大船长: 330.0m / 1,082.7ft  | 最大船宽: 53.0m / 173.9ft  | 最大船深: 7.5m / 24.6ft
Tsuneishi Factory
  • 造船
  • 造船
  • 维修 / 维护

IMABARI MARUGAME SHIPYARD is a shipbuilding company located in Kagawa, Japan. The company was established in 1917 and has since become one of the largest shipbuilders in the world. IMABARI MARUGAME SHIPYARD specializes in the construction of bulk carriers, tankers, and container ships. The company has a workforce of over 10,000 employees and operates several shipyards throughout Japan. IMABARI MARUGAME SHIPYARD is known for its innovative shipbuilding techniques and has received numerous awards for its work. The company is committed to sustainability and has implemented several initiatives to reduce its environmental impact. IMABARI MARUGAME SHIPYARD is a key player in the global shipping industry and has built ships for some of the worlds largest shipping companies.更多信息

Located in Tsuneishi, Numakuma-cho, Fukuyama-shi, a city facing the Seto Inland Sea in the eastern part of Hiroshima Prefecture. The new ship building division is equipped with one dock and one berth for shipbuilding, and its annual construction capacity is about 12 ships in terms of 82,000-ton-class bulk carriers. The adjacent repair factory, having 4 docks exclusively for repair and 7 repair wharves, can dock vessels of up to 20,000-DWT. Undertaking not only periodical inspection and ordinary repair work but also large-scale modification and ballast water management system retrofit work, we support the safe operation of ships.更多信息

类型 设备名称 长度 [米/英尺] 宽度 [米/英尺] 深度 [米/英尺] 起吊能力 [吨] 最大承重 [吨] 承重能力
干坞 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员.
干坞 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员.
类型 设备名称 长度 [米/英尺] 宽度 [米/英尺] 深度 [米/英尺] 起吊能力 [吨] 最大承重 [吨] 承重能力
干坞 No.1 Dock 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员.
干坞 No.10 Dock 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员.
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