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MT per day
USD per MT
USD per day
Riga, Latvia
Turku, Finland
船坞规模 最大船长: 225.7m / 740.5ft  | 最大船宽: 36.6m / 120.1ft  | 最大船深: 8.0m / 26.2ft 最大船长: 365.0m / 1,197.5ft  | 最大船宽: 80.0m / 262.5ft
  • 维修 / 维护
    • Ship Repairs
    • Conversions
  • 造船
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
OHSAS 18001

Riga Shipyard is one of the largest yards in the Baltic region repairing more than 100 seagoing vessels per year and has built more than 150 hulls, some partially outfitted, since 1997. Established in 1913 and having more than a century old history, today we continue to serve our European and Scandinavian customers focusing on ship repair, conversion and shipbuilding. Riga Shipyard co-operates with all Classification Societies, major equipment and paint manufacturers, logistics and shipping companies. Riga Shipyard’s Quality Management System was approved by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance as complying to Quality System Management Standard ISO 9001:2008 in 2001. Furthermore, Testing Laboratory has been recognized by BUREAU VERITAS as per Rule Note NR320 for tests, examinations, dectections and analysis.更多信息

MEYER TURKU OY, family-owned by Meyer Werft, is one of the leading European shipbuilding companies. Turku Shipyard was founded in 1737 and, today, the managing partner of the company is Dr. Jan Meyer. The company provides state-of-the-art technology solutions, advanced construction processes and cutting edge innovations for cruise operators and other ship owners. MEYER TURKU specializes in building cruise ships, car-passenger ferries and special vessels. Over the years the shipyard has built more than 1,300 new ships for customers around the world. The subsidiaries of MEYER TURKU are Piikkio Works Oy, which is a Cabin Factory in Piikkiö, Shipbuilding Completion Oy, which provides turnkey solutions to public spaces in ships, and ENG´nD Oy, which is an engineering company offering services for shipbuilding and offshore. Today, MEYER TURKU has around 1,400 employees and is a major employer in Southwest Finland but also throughout the maritime network in Finland. It is remarkable that, all combined, the Finnish maritime cluster employs over 40, 000 people. The cluster is a network of all actors involved in technology, education, training and manufacturing, formed around the maritime industries and shipping.更多信息

类型 设备名称 长度 [米/英尺] 宽度 [米/英尺] 深度 [米/英尺] 起吊能力 [吨] 最大承重 [吨] 承重能力
浮坞 Riga Nr. 1 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员.
浮坞 Riga Nr. 2 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员.
浮坞 Riga Nr. 3 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员.
船台 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员.
船台 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员.
停泊位 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员.
类型 设备名称 长度 [米/英尺] 宽度 [米/英尺] 深度 [米/英尺] 起吊能力 [吨] 最大承重 [吨] 承重能力
干坞 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员.