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船厂 Shin Kurushima Sanoyas Shipbuilding - OSAKA SHIPYARD SHIKOKU DOCKYARD CO LTD
Osaka, Japan
Takamatsu, Japan
船坞规模 最大船长: 153.0m / 502.0ft  | 最大船宽: 21.4m / 70.2ft  | 最大船深: 7.4m / 24.3ft
Shin Kurushima Sanoyas Shipbuilding - OSAKA SHIPYARD
  • 造船
    • Ship Repairs
  • 造船
    • Ship Repairs

The Osaka Works, located on the side of the Kizu River which flows into Osaka Bay, is our most important production hub. The site is comprised of a ship repair factory and factories for non-marine business activities, providing a wide range of services under an integrated management system: repair and remodeling of vessels, maintenance of high-speed boats, and other services related to our other business groups, such as land plants, multilevel car parking facilities, and leisure business.更多信息

Shikoku Dockyard Co Ltd is a shipbuilding company located in Takamatsu, Japan. The company was founded in 1917 and has been in operation for over 100 years. Shikoku Dockyard specializes in the construction of various types of vessels, including tankers, bulk carriers, and container ships. The company has a strong reputation for producing high-quality ships that are reliable and efficient. Shikoku Dockyard employs over 1,000 people and has a large facility that includes a dry dock and a ship repair yard. The company is committed to sustainability and has implemented various measures to reduce its environmental impact, such as using eco-friendly materials and reducing energy consumption. Shikoku Dockyard has a strong focus on safety and has implemented strict safety protocols to ensure the well-being of its employees and customers. The company has a long history of innovation and has developed many new technologies and techniques to improve the efficiency and performance of its ships. Shikoku Dockyard is a respected member of the global shipbuilding industry and has built ships for customers all over the world.更多信息

类型 设备名称 长度 [米/英尺] 宽度 [米/英尺] 深度 [米/英尺] 起吊能力 [吨] 最大承重 [吨] 承重能力
干坞 Dry dock No.1 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员.
干坞 Dry dock No.2 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员. 请登录或者马上注册为会员.
类型 设备名称 长度 [米/英尺] 宽度 [米/英尺] 深度 [米/英尺] 起吊能力 [吨] 最大承重 [吨] 承重能力