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船厂 Imari Shipyard & Works (Namura) MITSUBISHI (MHI) SHIMONOSEKI SHIPYARD
Osaka, Japan
Shimonoseki, Japan
Imari Shipyard & Works (Namura)
  • 造船
    • Ship Repairs
  • 造船

Namura Shipbuilding has been active in shipbuilding for over 100 years. The Group now operates three shipyards including Sasebo Heavy Industries Co., Ltd and The Hakodate Dock Co., Ltd. With expertise and skills accumulated and perfected over many decades, it has built a wide array of vessels, including bulk carriers, tankers and gas carriers to satisfy customer needs worldwide. It continues to push its research efforts to achieve higher quality and efficiency and meet world demand. The company wishes to contribute to prosperity and build an affluent society worldwide while facing new competitive challenges.更多信息

The Shimonoseki Shipyard & Machinery Works utilized its favorable location on the Kanmon Strait to start operations, with ship repair as a mainstay business, in 1914. At the Enoura Plant, we have manufactured luxury ferries, RORO boats, special-purpose vessels such as cable layers and ocean research vessels, and aluminum-alloy high-speed boats. We are engaged in a diverse range of marine manufacturing. At the Yamatomachi Plant, since 1964, we have manufactured hydraulic machinery of all types, testing systems, and deck machinery, as well as aircraft components and various other products. In this way, we meet a diverse range of customers' needs. At sea, on land, and in the air... The Shimonoseki Shipyard & Machinery Works is continually engaged in manufacturing for the next generation.更多信息

类型 设备名称 长度 [米/英尺] 宽度 [米/英尺] 深度 [米/英尺] 起吊能力 [吨] 最大承重 [吨] 承重能力
类型 设备名称 长度 [米/英尺] 宽度 [米/英尺] 深度 [米/英尺] 起吊能力 [吨] 最大承重 [吨] 承重能力
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